Camiel Wits
Data & (Gen)AI Consultant (Vodafone Ziggo)
Camiel studied Business Administration and Marketing. With over seven years of experience in Data and (Gen)AI, Camiel has worked across banking, telecom, public, and HR sectors. As a Freelance Data & (Gen)AI Consultant, Camiel helps organizations leverage data and AI to drive business success. With a constant focus on output with value. He excels in steering data and AI projects from ideation to completion, focusing on detail and delivering valuable outcomes.
Leveraging GenAI in a Large Enterprise: from Hype towards Value
In this presentation, we'll share our process for identifying, prototyping, and developing GenAI use cases in a large enterprise environment, including key decisions and best practices, and showcase our favorite productionized solutions.
Donderdag 11:45-12:15 • Lezingenzaal 5
Select the right use case with a customer-centric ideation funnel
Finding the right GenAI use case in an enterprise is challenging. To avoid losing sight of the forest for the trees, VodafoneZiggo employs a 4-step ideation funnel designed to select the highest-value GenAI use cases. We would like to showcase our approach and hear about your experiences and insights.
Donderdag 13:15-14:00 • Ronde tafel
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Datagedreven leiders ontdekken essentiele kennis, contacten en technologie tijdens Data Expo
Of je nu al een vergevorderde data-strategie hebt ontwikkeld of je organisatie juist de eerste stappen wil zetten richting een datagedreven onderneming; Data Expo reikt jou de oplossingen om de volgende stap te zetten.
We believe data drives digital transformation
De kracht van Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) ontsluiten
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