Marinka Voorhout
Director Data Driven Consulting (Philips Innovation Solutions)
Marinka has 20+ experience in data consulting, working on data solutions, data monetization and analytics management. And she is spearheading the D8A Directors platform initiative, which shares knowledge and podcasts on the data domain.
Completing the jigsaw while blindfolded: connecting the dots of data through direct reporting and interactive dashboards
At Philips, designated divisions are accountable for separate parts of the product lifecycle, including R&D, purchasing, planning, shipping, and invoicing. However, within some phases of this end-to-end process divisions share responsibilities. The internal Innovation and Engineering department (IEN), supported by BearingPoint, provides guidance in defining shared data requirements, a shared data architecture, and the delivery of reliable data marts to facilitate effective reporting with interactive dashboards
Donderdag 11:30 - 12:00 • Lezingenzaal 6
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Datagedreven leiders ontdekken essentiele kennis, contacten en technologie tijdens Data Expo
Of je nu al een vergevorderde data-strategie hebt ontwikkeld of je organisatie juist de eerste stappen wil zetten richting een datagedreven onderneming; Data Expo reikt jou de oplossingen om de volgende stap te zetten.
We believe data drives digital transformation
De kracht van Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) ontsluiten
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