'Landing Analytics' - A Blueprint for Success

15:10 - 15:40

Dit is een presentatie van 2019

MagnaVersum BI Services

I love my job. No, I really do. Why? Because I have a burning ambition to make a difference to the world. I get up every day and strive to add value. I want to excite and inspire folk on what can be achieved with analytics. It’s a mindset thing – it really is. So where did mine come from? 20 years in the Police – personal experience and development that you can’t buy – you live it. Resilience, stoicism, adaptability, passion – all required to improve a service that faces both strategic and tactical adversity on an hourly basis.

And boy our public sector and healthcare colleagues around the world are facing a significant suite of challenges. Real term cuts combined with an increase in complex demand that pushes capacity and capability to the limit. It also shines a light on prioritisation and risk management – who and what do we focus on – can’t do everything right? It pushes an organisation into a reactive spin and many become stuck in a cycle of firefighting and stop the important proactive and preventative work. This is not sustainable. Public outcomes suffer, colleagues in the service suffer – improvement slows or stops.

However; history shows us that some of the greatest adversity may seem insurmountable, but the obstacles become a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What stands in the way is the way. It is how we respond to obstacles is what defines us. Obstacles don’t inhibit success, they create it. A mindset thing.

So, I took that approach when I worked at Avon ad Somerset Police. I realised that data and analytics was the golden thread to improving a police force that was going backwards. However; it was not just the technology that was important – a juxtaposition of factors need to come together to make a successful transformation. You need to create a blueprint, a secret sauce that excites and disrupts traditional thinking. That is what I did. I am now going to share it.

This lecture is made possible by MagnaVersum.

  • Thema

    Het is niet nieuw als we zeggen dat ieder bedrijf beschikt over een enorme bulk aan informatie. Om waarde te kunnen creëren aan data dient het proces van ontdekken, interpreteren en communiceren van significante patronen doorlopen te worden. Het zijn de organisaties die erin slagen om gebruikers op diverse niveaus deze data te laten analyseren die hun kansen grijpen. Begrijpelijke analysetools zorgen voor begrip tussen de ene en de andere medewerker, ongeacht het niveau. Maar vermoedelijk nog belangrijker: de juiste analyse leidt tot slimme campagnes en bevlogen medewerkers, zaken die gericht zijn in te zetten voor het behouden van klanten.  

    De strategie en visie bepalen

    Deze lezing gaat in op het resultaat van de data analyse. Er wordt uitgelegd wat er is geanalyseerd en wat dit heeft opgeleverd? Hierbij wordt de diepte ingegaan en worden er inzichten, resultaten, advies en strategieën op hoog niveau gedeeld.

    Deze lezing is bedoeld voor bezoekers die: de strategie en visie bepalen, zoals o.a.; CEO's, CIO's en directeuren.